Psychotherapist & Coach

I believe that we should all be able to achieve our potential and live positive, fulfilling lives.
Unfortunately, sometimes our mind stops us from doing that. We can’t think straight, we feel unable to make the right choices.
That’s when our work together can help.
While anxiety is a normal physical reaction to what our mind perceives as a danger, sometimes its effects can cripple us. It takes over our lives and stops us from doing what we want.
In our work we will look at what is the cause of the anxiety and develop approaches to make it manageable.
I work on all kinds of anxiety issues but most commonly on:
General Anxiety disorder
Heath anxiety
Post traumatic stress

Relationship counselling covers a wide range of issues.
Most people come to couple counselling because they have reached a point where they cannot solve the problem on their own.
Together we will look at the roots of the issue, enable each party to feel heard and find a way forward.
With a safe place to discuss what is troubling your couple it is possible to find a solution.
Most of my work with couples is around communication, conflict, loss of common values or a lack of satisfaction with the relationship.

Personal Challenges
At times our mind seems to be unable to function as we want or need it to.
Or we are faced by challenges that seem too big to overcome.
Therapy can help.
Together we can clear out the fog and find solutions and approaches for you to live the life that you want.

Young Adults 16-19
After 10 years in a Sixth Form College I have developed a deep understanding of the way young adults can see the world and what can trouble them.
From relationships to parental issues, health issues or anxiety about the future, we can talk about what matters and find solutions that you can implement to improve your everyday life and feel better.

Why seek therapy?
Everybody has their own reasons for coming to therapy.
What one person finds easy can be a problem for another.
Our time of life, or what is happening around us, can also have profound effects. We may want to develop ourselves and become better people. Or we might have issues stopping us from achieving our potential.
Nevertheless, here is a short A-Z of some of the most common reasons people have come to see me about:

Unfortunately, there are very many forms of abuse – financial, sexual, psychological, physical and neglect. It may have happened to you as a child, or it may be happening now. It may cause you to have disturbing thoughts, distress and confusion. Your behaviour might also be affected.

Your addiction might have started as a way to manage your feelings or a difficult situation. It could also be that it started as something fun and is now taking you’re your life. Whatever started it, you would now like to stop and be able to change your behaviour – in our work we will develop strategies for now and for a clearer future.

Anxiety includes feeling nervous or unsettled, phobias, and fears of doing certain things. It can also be linked to specific events, or to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). A panic attack is an exaggerated response from your body to something that scares you, stresses you or excites you. The physical sensations can include a pounding heart, sweating, feeling sick, breathing problems or lack of clear vision.

The death of someone close will affect us. However, sometimes it can feel overwhelming and all-encompassing. Coping and adapting can feel unachievable.

Depression is not just ‘feeling depressed’ – that implies we are feeling sad and miserable, something which most often will simply go away. Depression doesn’t go away – it stays with us, interfering with our lives, and making everything more difficult, and less interesting.

If you are not on a regular balanced diet, or if you are constantly thinking about your food intake, it will make things difficult in your life. The most common forms of eating problems are bulimia, anorexia, binge eating and over-eating.

Relationships are complex and challenging. Our mental health affects how we connect with others. It can also be that the nature of the relationship is the key factor affecting our state of mind. Looking more closely at the issues enables us to decide what is important to us and how we can impact our relationships.

When we are unable to focus on what we need or want to do it leaves us stressed , disappointed and unhappy. Lack of focus is often the symptom that something is not going well in our life. By finding and addressing the real issue we can refocus on what we want to do.

So many events can disrupt our life – from personal issues like divorce, significant birthdays or health issues, to external events such as a change at work or financial problems.

How do you feel about yourself? The better you feel the more positive you will feel towards your life, your challenges and your opportunities.

Are you hurting yourself on purpose? Are you doing it as a way of dealing with things? You might want to deal with the emotional pain behind this coping mechanism and change the behaviour.

Stress is meant to be a healthy reaction to a dangerous situation. If you were faced by an angry tiger, stress would enable you to gather your strength and resources and hopefully mange to escape. Stress becomes a problem when it becomes overwhelming, preventing us from taking proper decisions because we are not thinking rationally – or preventing us from acting at all.
My past experience
In a previous life I ran advertising and communication agencies in London. It was fun, creative and often frantic. It was also necessary to be very business-minded… and I was, even completing an MBA at the City’s CASS Business School.
That is why I now work with busy people – I understand how high expectations are, how stressful it can be, and why it is sometimes difficult to deliver.
For over a decade I have also been working in a Sixth Form College. I enjoy working with young adults (16-19 years old), their hopes and struggles, their attitudes, and their unique views on the world.
My Training
In terms of training, I completed a Post-graduate Diploma at the University of East London, where I graduated in Counselling and Coaching.
I have also furthered my knowledge by completing the following training:
CBT practitioner, approved by the British Psychological Society
CBT and Counselling with Autism Spectrum Disorder Clients with Professor Tony Attwood
Practitioner skills for Eating Disorders from the National Centre for Eating Disorders
Transformation of Trauma with Bessel van der Kolk
Rewind Trauma Therapy which enables clients to deal with traumatic events with David Muss
I belong to the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy), to the Association of Integrative Coach Therapist Professionals (AICTP) and the BABCP (British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies).
In a younger life I have also studied in New York and Paris, with a focus on politics, and later communication.